Monday, October 6, 2008

My babies are growing up...

It came from out of nowhere when I wasn't expecting it. One day they were babies and suddenly they are little people with their own points of view. (Some days more view than necessary!) "C" just celebrated her 6th birthday and even though "J's" 4th birthday isn't for another month, he changes his age the same day she does. Don't even think about telling him he's not four yet! I hate that they are growing up but I'm so proud of who they are becoming. "C" is so gentle, kind, rule follower and a total girly girl. "J" is energetic, super sweet, rule breaker and 100% boy. It is so much fun that they have some of the same characteristics but even more fun that they are each their own person!


Tada said...

can anyone honestly say they've ever seen more beautiful children? forgetting my bias, these are just great!! i can't believe YOU'RE old enough to be doing beautiful work like this.

Deborah said...

Your "babies" are so beautiful. It seem like just yesterday I was holding newborn "C." You are so talented and I love seeing you following your dream!

Kara May said...

Oh these are fabulous! And to get your own kids to smile and be still - almost takes some magic - you did it! Gorgeous children, great composition and beautiful processing.

Amy said...

Umm, I want a red tutu...
GORGEOUS shots girl!! And of course you have some great subjects to work with!

Christina Janecka said...

What beautiful children! These made me so sad mainly because I have not seen them in SOOOO long. I am so proud of you Erin for following your passion and dream. What makes each an every picture so special is because your heart is filled with love and joy for each individual you photograph. We love and miss you all. Love the pictures!

therileys said...

BEAUTIFUL ERIN!! I could just eat them up! Your amazing and the kiddos are just precious! Great pictures!!

Sarah said...

WOW. What beautiful children you have & GREAT shots that you captured! Love the pettiskirt (I am waiting on mine to come in!) & Callie looks so grown up with that missing tooth! I also can't belive that Jackson is almost 4! He is just too cute for words! Great job, Erin!

Walsh Zoo said...

Your photos are beautiful, just beautiful!! ALTHOUGH...the "P" kids' pics happen to be the cutest to me... :)


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